✔️Corrected vSphere 7.0 Update 3 Release Note URLs
🔹ESXihttps://t.co/qrKrtmo87c https://t.co/oYMMWVWmWy
— William Lam (@lamw.bsky.social | @*protected email*) (@lamw) October 5, 2021
vSphere 7.0 Update 3 officially GA'ed this morning and I am happy to share a quick that my Nested ESXi Virtual Appliance (OVA and Content Library) has also been updated to support the latest release. In addition, I have also published an update to the ESXi 7.0 Update 2a Virtual Appliance as there was an issue that prevented it from working with the latest VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x release.
Nested ESXi OVA:
Nested ESXi Content Library:
For prior ESXi versions, you can check out http://vmwa.re/nestedesxi
Roman Sobota says
I try update VCSA to 7 U3, but my account (member of administrators) cannot use Lifecycle Manager, I see error like this> Authentication failed, Lifecycle Manager server could not be contacted.
Lifecycle Manager working only with *protected email*
Roman Sobota says
Joshan says
The new of vSphere 7.0 u3 : NSX-T management integrated with the vSphere Client that when i enable this function, it's alway fail but NSX Appliance have deploy successful.
Task console output :
Task Name : Install Solution
Status : Cannot complete the operation. See the event log for details. Timeout: The task did not complete within the expected time span.
Have any suggestion?
Thank you.
William Lam says
This is currently expected. Please see https://williamlam.com/2021/10/integrated-nsx-t-deployment-in-vsphere-7-0-update-3-fails-with-timeout.html for details
Badri says
After deploying the ESXi 7.0 U3 OVA, if we reboot it, then root login is not working. What could be the issue..?
John Hutchinson says
what is the standard root password for the OVA deployment image? I'm starting with my homelab and thought this would be an easy (yes lazy) way to get around the issue with the missing network card when deploying ESX7 onto of workstation 🙁
William Lam says
There is no default, you specify it as part of deployment
John Hutchinson says
Weird as didnt get the option, I downloaded a later release of v7 and that deployed fine on workstation 👍
Jason says
William, I had the same issue. I set the password when I deployed this one and was able to login until I rebooted. Now I can't get in. I also found that vmnic0 doesn't work. If I select vmnic1 it does though. Weird.
Forrest Xia says
Hi William,
Can you share your nested esxi first-boot customization scripts? I want to build a latest 7.0U3c nested esxi ova template.
Kenneth Hayber says
Hi William,
I've been deploying your OVAs for some years now, but the 7.0u3c one fails to connect to the network. Cannot ping, and the Test Management Network option always fails. If I deploy 7.0u2 with the exact same config it works.
Any ideas? I'm deploying on 6.7 vCenter / ESXi hosts.
Kenneth Hayber says
Answering my own question, partially - I normally set the mgmt interface in network 1 without any vlan (the vlan is set on the portgroup). But if I set the NIC to trunk and pass the vlan_id in the OVF configuration it works.
jasonboche says
@Kenneth network connectivity will also start working if you use the DCUI to unbind the management adapter (back out and accept the changes), then rebind the adapter (back out and accept the changes). Unfortnately this workaround is applied after the deployment script fails because the hosts cannot be added to vCenter without network connectivity.
jasonboche says
@Kenneth Disregard my comment. I've been using the vDS so long I forgot that the VSS still requires Promiscuous Mode (and Forged Transmits).
Gert Van Gorp says
Hi William, hope you have a great weekend.
I had to reinstall my vCenter in my homelab. Wanted to reconnect to your nice contentlib with all the different ESXi VM's by using https://download3.vmware.com/software/vmw-tools/lib.json but I get Connection to VCSP server download3.vmware.com failed.
Is this a known issue?
thanks for your update
William Lam says
Post Day-2 transition into the Broadcom systems, many of the VMware properties have been decommissioned which includes this content library and is no longer available. You can still download the individual Nested ESXi Appliance from the new Fling site, but there's no way to host content library anymore