I caught the following tweet from Christian this morning and thought I do a quick blog post on how to mount an external volume like a CIFS or NFS share on VMware's Photon OS.
Hm, anyone tried to get CIFS mount-points
in Photon?— Christian Mohn™ (@h0bbel) January 12, 2016
For mounting an NFS volume, an NFS client is required and this is provided through the nfs-utils package which is not installed by default on Photon OS. To install the package, you just simply need to run the following command:
tdnf -y install nfs-utils cifs-utils
Once the nfs-utils is installed, you can mount your NFS volume by using the mount command like the following:
mount -t nfs [NFS-SERVER]:/path/to/share /mountpoint
If you want to ensure the volume is automatically mounted, you will need to add an entry to /etc/fstab. If you want more details, you can perform a quick Google search for further instructions
For mounting a CIFS or SMB volume, you need to install cifs-utils package and then specify the "cifs" mount type like the following:
mount -t cifs //[CIFS-SERVER]//path/to/share /mountpoint
If you require authentication to your CIFS or SMB volume, you just need to specify -o username=[USERNAME],password=[PASSWORD]
Lastly, I also want to mention that the instructions above is not specific to Photon OS but applies to any other *Nix platform.