For troubleshooting your vSphere with Tanzu environment, you may have a need to SSH to the Control Plane of your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) Cluster. This was something I had to do to verify some basic network connectivity. At a high level, we need to login to our Supervisor Cluster and retrieve the SSH secret to our TKG Cluster and since this question recently came up, below are the instructions.
UPDATE (10/10/20) - It looks like it is also possible to retrieve the TKG Cluster credentials without needing SSH directly to the Supervisor Control Plane VM, see Option 1 for the alternate solution.
Option 1:
Step 1 - Login to the Supervisor Control Plane using the following command:
kubectl vsphere login --server= -u *protected email* --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Step 2 - Next, we need to retrieve the SSH password secret for our TKG Cluster and perform a base64 decode to retrieve the plain text value. You will need two pieces of information and then substitute that into the command below
- The name of your vSphere Namespace which was created in your vSphere with Tanzu environment, in my example it is called primp-industries
- The name of your TKG Cluster, in my example it is called william-tkc-01 and the secret name will be [tkg-cluster-name]-ssh-password as shown in the example below
kubectl -n primp-industries get secrets william-tkc-01-ssh-password -o jsonpath={.data.ssh-passwordkey} | base64 -d
Step 3 - Finally, you can now SSH to TKG Cluster from a system which has network connectivity, this can be from the Supervisor Cluster Control Plane VM or another system. The SSH username for the TKG Cluster is vmware-system-user and use the credentials that was provided from the previous screen.
Option 2:
Step 1 - SSH to the VCSA and then run the following script to retrieve the Supervisor Cluster Control Plane VM credentials:
Step 2 - SSH to the IP Address using root username and the password provided from the previous command
Step 3- Next, we need to retrieve the SSH password secret for our TKG Cluster and perform a base64 decode to retrieve the plain text value. You will need two pieces of information and then substitute that into the command below
- The name of your vSphere Namespace which was created in your vSphere with Tanzu environment, in my example it is called primp-industries
- The name of your TKG Cluster, in my example it is called william-tkc-01 and the secret name will be [tkg-cluster-name]-ssh-password as shown in the example below
kubectl -n primp-industries get secrets william-tkc-01-ssh-password -o jsonpath={.data.ssh-passwordkey} | base64 -d
Step 4 - Finally, you can now SSH to TKG Cluster from a system which has network connectivity, this can be from the Supervisor Cluster Control Plane VM or another system. The SSH username for the TKG Cluster is vmware-system-user and use the credentials that was provided from the previous screen.