Before you can interact and consume resources from a vSphere with Tanzu enabled cluster, users must first login and one way to accomplish this is by using the kubectl-vsphere plugin.
Once authenticated, a JWT (JSON Web Token), pronounced jot token, will be issued along with other values which will be appended to your local ~/.kube/config file. Users will then be able to perform kubectl operations based on the roles they have been assigned for a given vSphere Namespace. In case you did not know, these JWT tokens are only valid for 10 hours and after that, you will need to login again to retrieve a new JWT token.
We can also confirm this by decoding our JWT token found within the ~/.kube/config file and using website. Once decoded, we can see when the token was issued using iat (Issued At) and when the token will expired using exp (Expiration Time) as shown in the screenshot below.
The default 10 hour expiry is currently not configurable which can be a challenge for anyone looking to setup unattended automation or GitOps with vSphere with Tanzu.
An alternative solution is to create a Kubernetes (k8s) service account, which by default does not contain a token expiry. Using this information and my recent Deep Dive into vSphere Namespace Roles, I was able to create a service account that can perform the same set of vSphere with Tanzu operations without having to re-login every 10 hours.
Note (06/07/22) - The "Edit" vSphere Namespace Role now includes the ability to create K8s service account and rolebinding without having to go into Supervisor Cluster Control Plane VM