I recently had to look at some performance metrics in my vSphere 5 lab and I was curious if VMware had documented all the new performance metrics. I headed over to the vSphere 5 API reference guide and to my surprise, they were exactly the same as the vSphere 4 API reference guide. Though looking at the vSphere Client, it was obvious there were new performance metrics for features such as Storage DRS that did not exists in vSphere 4.
Using a similar method in a previous post about Power performance metrics, I extracted all the new metrics in vSphere 5 and created the following table that includes the metric name (rollup,units and internal name), collection level and description of the metric. There are a total of 129 new performance metrics that include Storage DRS and HBR (Host Based Replication).
Hopefully this will be fixed in the API documentation when vSphere 5 GA's as I recalled providing the same feedback during the beta program.
Metric | Stat Level | Description |
cpu | ||
average.MHz.capacity.provisioned | 3 | Capacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores |
average.MHz.capacity.entitlement | 1 | CPU resources devoted by the ESX scheduler to virtual machines and resource pools |
average.MHz.capacity.usage | 3 | CPU usage in MHz during the interval |
average.MHz.capacity.demand | 2 | The amount of CPU resources VMs on this host would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit |
average.percent.capacity.contention | 2 | Percent of time the VMs on this host are unable to run because they are contending for access to the physical CPU(s) |
average.number.corecount.provisioned | 2 | The number of physical cores provisioned to the entity |
average.number.corecount.usage | 2 | The number of virtual processors running on the host |
average.percent.corecount.contention | 1 | Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints |
average.MHz.capacity.demand | 2 | The amount of CPU resources VMs on this host would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit |
average.percent.latency | 2 | Percent of time the VM is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s) |
latest.MHz.entitlement | 2 | CPU resources devoted by the ESX scheduler |
average.MHz.demand | 2 | The amount of CPU resources a VM would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit |
summation.millisecond.costop | 2 | Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to due to co-scheduling constraints |
summation.millisecond.maxlimited | 2 | Time the VM is ready to run, but is not run due to maxing out its CPU limit setting |
summation.millisecond.overlap | 3 | Time the VM was interrupted to perform system services on behalf of that VM or other VMs |
summation.millisecond.run | 2 | Time the VM is scheduled to run |
datastore | ||
latest.millisecond.maxTotalLatency | 3 | Highest latency value across all datastores used by the host |
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 2 | usage |
average.millisecond.throughput.contention | 2 | contention |
summation.number.busResets | 2 | busResets |
summation.number.commandsAborted | 2 | commandsAborted |
summation.number.commandsAborted | 2 | commandsAborted |
summation.number.busResets | 2 | busResets |
latest.number.datastoreReadBytes | 2 | Storage DRS datastore bytes read |
latest.number.datastoreWriteBytes | 2 | Storage DRS datastore bytes written |
latest.number.datastoreReadIops | 1 | Storage DRS datastore read I/O rate |
latest.number.datastoreWriteIops | 1 | Storage DRS datastore write I/O rate |
latest.number.datastoreReadOIO | 1 | Storage DRS datastore outstanding read requests |
latest.number.datastoreWriteOIO | 1 | Storage DRS datastore outstanding write requests |
latest.number.datastoreNormalReadLatency | 2 | Storage DRS datastore normalized read latency |
latest.number.datastoreNormalWriteLatency | 2 | Storage DRS datastore normalized write latency |
latest.number.datastoreReadLoadMetric | 4 | Storage DRS datastore metric for read workload model |
latest.number.datastoreWriteLoadMetric | 4 | Storage DRS datastore metric for write workload model |
latest.number.datastoreMaxQueueDepth | 1 | Storage I/O Control datastore maximum queue depth |
disk | ||
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 3 | Aggregated disk I/O rate |
average.millisecond.throughput.contention | 3 | Average amount of time for an I/O operation to complete |
summation.number.scsiReservationConflicts | 2 | Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN during the collection interval |
average.percent.scsiReservationCnflctsPct | 2 | Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN as a percent of total commands during the collection interval |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.provisioned | 3 | provisioned |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage | 2 | usage |
average.percent.capacity.contention | 1 | contention |
hbr | ||
average.number.hbrNumVms | 4 | Current Number of Replicated VMs |
average.KBps.hbrNetRx | 4 | Average amount of data received per second |
average.KBps.hbrNetTx | 4 | Average amount of data transmitted per second |
managementAgent | ||
average.MHz.cpuUsage | 3 | Amount of Service Console CPU usage |
mem | ||
average.kiloBytes.capacity.provisioned | 3 | Total amount of memory configured for the VM |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.entitlement | 1 | Amount of host physical memory the VM is entitled to, as determined by the ESX scheduler |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usable | 2 | Amount of physical memory available for use by virtual machines on this host |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage | 1 | Amount of physical memory actively used |
average.percent.capacity.contention | 2 | Percentage of time the VM is waiting to access swapped, compressed, or ballooned memory |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage.vm | 2 | vm |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage.vmOvrhd | 2 | vmOvrhd |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage.vmkOvrhd | 2 | vmkOvrhd |
average.kiloBytes.capacity.usage.userworld | 2 | userworld |
average.kiloBytes.reservedCapacity.vm | 2 | vm |
average.kiloBytes.reservedCapacity.vmOvhd | 2 | vmOvhd |
average.kiloBytes.reservedCapacity.vmkOvrhd | 2 | vmkOvrhd |
average.kiloBytes.reservedCapacity.userworld | 2 | userworld |
average.percent.reservedCapacityPct | 3 | Percent of memory that has been reserved either through VMkernel use, by userworlds, or due to VM memory reservations |
average.kiloBytes.consumed.vms | 2 | Amount of physical memory consumed by VMs on this host |
average.kiloBytes.consumed.userworlds | 2 | Amount of physical memory consumed by userworlds on this host |
average.percent.latency | 2 | Percentage of time the VM is waiting to access swapped or compressed memory |
average.kiloBytes.entitlement | 2 | Amount of host physical memory the VM is entitled to, as determined by the ESX scheduler |
average.kiloBytes.lowfreethreshold | 2 | Threshold of free host physical memory below which ESX will begin reclaiming memory from VMs through ballooning and swapping |
none.kiloBytes.llSwapUsed | 4 | Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache |
average.KBps.llSwapInRate | 2 | Rate at which memory is being swapped from host cache into active memory |
average.KBps.llSwapOutRate | 2 | Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to host cache |
average.kiloBytes.overheadTouched | 4 | Actively touched overhead memory (KB) reserved for use as the virtualization overhead for the VM |
average.kiloBytes.llSwapUsed | 4 | Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache |
maximum.kiloBytes.llSwapUsed | 4 | Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache |
minimum.kiloBytes.llSwapUsed | 4 | Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache |
none.kiloBytes.llSwapIn | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache |
average.kiloBytes.llSwapIn | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache |
maximum.kiloBytes.llSwapIn | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache |
minimum.kiloBytes.llSwapIn | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache |
none.kiloBytes.llSwapOut | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache |
average.kiloBytes.llSwapOut | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache |
maximum.kiloBytes.llSwapOut | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache |
minimum.kiloBytes.llSwapOut | 4 | Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache |
net | ||
average.KBps.throughput.provisioned | 2 | Provisioned pNic I/O Throughput |
average.KBps.throughput.usable | 2 | Usable pNic I/O Throughput |
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 3 | Average vNic I/O rate |
summation.number.throughput.contention | 2 | Count of vNic packet drops |
average.number.throughput.packetsPerSec | 2 | Average rate of packets received and transmitted per second |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.vm | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for VMs |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.nfs | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for NFS |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.vmotion | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for vMotion |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.ft | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for FT |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.iscsi | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for iSCSI |
average.KBps.throughput.usage.hbr | 3 | Average pNic I/O rate for HBR |
average.KBps.bytesRx | 2 | Average amount of data received per second |
average.KBps.bytesTx | 2 | Average amount of data transmitted per second |
summation.number.broadcastRx | 2 | Number of broadcast packets received during the sampling interval |
summation.number.broadcastTx | 2 | Number of broadcast packets transmitted during the sampling interval |
summation.number.multicastRx | 2 | Number of multicast packets received during the sampling interval |
summation.number.multicastTx | 2 | Number of multicast packets transmitted during the sampling interval |
summation.number.errorsRx | 2 | Number of packets with errors received during the sampling interval |
summation.number.errorsTx | 2 | Number of packets with errors transmitted during the sampling interval |
summation.number.unknownProtos | 2 | Number of frames with unknown protocol received during the sampling interval |
power | ||
summation.joule.energy | 3 | Total energy used since last stats reset |
average.percent.capacity.usagePct | 3 | Current power usage as a percentage of maximum allowed power |
average.watt.capacity.usable | 2 | Current maximum allowed power usage |
average.watt.capacity.usage | 2 | Current power usage |
storageAdapter | ||
latest.millisecond.maxTotalLatency | 3 | Highest latency value across all storage adapters used by the host |
average.millisecond.throughput.cont | 2 | Average amount of time for an I/O operation to complete |
average.percent.OIOsPct | 3 | The percent of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed |
average.number.outstandingIOs | 2 | The number of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed |
average.number.queued | 2 | The current number of I/Os that are waiting to be issued |
average.number.queueDepth | 2 | The maximum number of I/Os that can be outstanding at a given time |
average.millisecond.queueLatency | 2 | Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI command, during the collection interval |
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 4 | The storage adapter's I/O rate |
storagePath | ||
average.millisecond.throughput.cont | 2 | Average amount of time for an I/O operation to complete |
latest.millisecond.maxTotalLatency | 3 | Highest latency value across all storage paths used by the host |
summation.number.busResets | 2 | Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval |
summation.number.commandsAborted | 2 | Number of SCSI commands aborted during the collection interval |
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 2 | Storage path I/O rate |
sys | ||
latest.second.osUptime | 4 | Total time elapsed, in seconds, since last operating system boot-up |
vcResources | ||
average.kiloBytes.buffersz | 4 | buffersz |
average.kiloBytes.cachesz | 4 | cachesz |
average.number.diskreadsectorrate | 4 | diskreadsectorrate |
average.number.diskwritesectorrate | 4 | diskwritesectorrate |
virtualDisk | ||
average.millisecond.throughput.cont | 2 | Average amount of time for an I/O operation to complete |
average.KBps.throughput.usage | 2 | Virtual disk I/O rate |
summation.number.commandsAborted | 2 | commandsAborted |
summation.number.busResets | 2 | busResets |
latest.number.readOIO | 2 | Average number of outstanding read requests to the virtual disk during the collection interval |
latest.number.writeOIO | 2 | Average number of outstanding write requests to the virtual disk during the collection interval |
latest.number.readLoadMetric | 2 | Storage DRS virtual disk metric for the read workload model |
latest.number.writeLoadMetric | 2 | Storage DRS virtual disk metric for the write workload model |
William, many thanks for your posts you are truly a prodigious aggregator for the APIs bleeding edge and that is why I follow your posts - many thanks and keep up the great work (and keep it Ghetto)