I finally got a chance to finish up the documentation on some of the new feature enhancements and bug fixes for both ghettoVCB and ghettoVCB-restore this weekend. One of the biggest change is both ghettoVCB and ghettoVCB-restore are now bundled together and ghettoVCB-restore is now being version controlled on github just like ghettoVCB. This has been on the backlog for awhile and I am sorry it took this long to get implemented.
Here are the release notes for the enhancement/fixes for both ghettoVCB + ghettoVCB-restore. Hope you enjoy these updates and if you have any issues, please report them on the ghettoVCB VMTN group.
- ghettoVCB & ghettoVCB-restore is now packaged together and both scripts are versioned on github
- ESXi 5 firewall check for email port (Check FAQ #33 for more details)
- New EMAIL_DELAY_INTERVAL netcat variable to control slow SMTP servers
- ADAPTER_TYPE (buslogic,lsilogic,ide) no longer need to manually specified, script will auto-detect based on VMDK descriptor file
- Using symlink -f parameter for quicker unlink/re-link for RSYNC use case
- Updated documentation, including NFS issues (Check FAQ #19 for more details including new VMware KB 1035332 article)
- vSphere 4.1 Update 2 introduced new vim-cmd snapshot.remove param, this has now been updated in script to detect this new param change
- Support for ESX(i) 5.0
- Combined ghettoVCB + ghettoVCB-restore scripts
- ghettoVCB-restore is now versioned on github
is there a forum for ghettoVCB to ask a question?
Yes - http://communities.vmware.com/groups/ghettovcb
Please be sure to read the FAQ before posting
Thank you for this nice backupscript. seems to work very well. i have found 2 things that might be interessting for you.
1: if you want to send the email log file over a windows smtp server you need to add the -C (Carriage return left feed)flag for nc. found at line ~1122
2: the script does not shake hands with the server, but instead with itself.
you need to change at line ~1088 $(hostname -s) to ${EMAIL_SERVER} and all works well.
William, I made some tests with your script running on a VCLI interface (easier scripting, multiple hosts backup, etc.) and it worked very well on 4.1 and 5.0. Until I discovered VCLI functions are read-only for the free version, so no snapshots and disk copies were allowed. Probably a bug on 4.1 and 5.0 plain versions let me run all ghettoVCB functions until I needed to patch them...
I was planning to send the script to you, but, after all, it depends on a license bug on ESXi. If you have commercial ESXi, it may work well.
If ever I get in touch with stmicroelectronics distributors, I might get the connectors needed for the pc and move forward to my github. I'm becoming curious with this ghettoVCB.
Great script 🙂 - I did have some problems getting mail to work when hitting a postfix smtp server. I did a dirty hack, with a "sleep 1" until the "DATA" line