Eric Siebert of just released the annual Top 25 Virtualization Blog results for 2012 this weekend and I am very proud and honored to announce that virtuallyGhetto has moved up from last year's #25 spot to now the #8 spot on the list! It was only a year ago that virtuallyGhetto first made it onto the Top 25 Virtualization Blog after only been around for 4 months. I am very humble to be among some of the smartest and most respected folks in the virtualization community!
New this year, in addition to the top virtualization blog post are the individual categories such as top storage, video, news, etc blogs. Of course scripting was one of the categories and though I did not get number 1, which went to my good friend/colleague Alan Renouf. I did win second place and following third went to Luc Dekens, another awesome scripter/friend in the scripting/automation community.
I wanted to take this time and thank all my readers and supporters from the blog, VMTN forums, twitter and email for voting for virtuallyGhetto! I am very happy to see that the topics/content that interests me also interest others and I really appreciate your support. I hope to continue to put out great and unique content in 2012 and beyond. Thank you again for all your support!
Lastly, I wanted to give shout out to some of the guys who made the top favorite new blogs: Barry Coombs, Josh Atwell, Andrew Mauro to just name a few and Jake Robinson (who did not make it to that list!?). Keep doing what you are doing and never give up, it will all payoff at the end!
Congrats to all the Top 25 virtualization bloggers! 2012 will be be another great year for bloggers!
Congrats. Many of your posts are very useful & we use it as reference 🙂