The VCSA 5.1 (vCenter Server Appliance) is provided as single virtual appliance that is pre-installed with all the components needed to run a vCenter Server. These components include vCenter SSO (Single Sign-on), Lookup Service, Inventory Service, vSphere Web Client and the vCenter Server itself. In the Windows installer for vCenter Server 5.1, there is an option to install each individual component on a separate machine. How would you go about doing that for the VCSA as all the components are installed on a single machine?
If you have attempted to configure the VCSA to run just the vCenter SSO service, then you may have seen the following error message "Could not connect to one or more vCenter Server systems" when logging into the vSphere Web Client.
The reason you are seeing this error is due to an invalid configuration found in the vCenter SSO Server and specifically with something called the Lookup Service. The Lookup Service is installed with the vCenter SSO service which can be thought of as a DNS lookup for vSphere components so they can securely find and communicate with each other. Since each VCSA component is registered with the Lookup Service as part of their initial installation and when you only enable the vCenter SSO service, the remainder services will become invalid as they are not running on the same VCSA system.
Un-Registering Services from Lookup Service:
/usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool listServices
Service 1
description=vSphere Web Client at
A default VCSA installation contains the following 6 services:
- vSphere Web Client
- Security Token Service
- VMware Log Browser
- SSO Group Check Service
- vpxd (vCenter Server)
- SSO Administration Service
We will need to identify the serviceId which starts with local:# and unregister the vSphere Web Client, VMware Log Browser and the vpxd service which is not running locally on our vCenter SSO Server. To unregister a service, you will need to create a temporarily file which contains the serviceId and use the unregisterService option with the vi_regtool.
Note: Please make sure you identify the correct serviceId before unregistering, else you may potentially run into issues with your VCSA.
Let's say we want to unregister the service that we showed earlier local:7, we would need to run the following two commands:
echo "local:7" > /tmp/serviceid
/usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool unregisterService -d -u root -p vmware -si /tmp/serviceid
The first command will "echo" the serviceId into a temporarily file called /tmp/serviceid and the second command will perform the actual un-registration and you will need to specify the root credentials. You will need to repeat this for the other two services and once you have finished un-registering the three services, you can now log back into the vSphere Web Client and the error message should go away (a service restart is not necessary).
Now that you have some background on how to run a standalone vCenter SSO on the VCSA and the minor tweak that is required, how do we go about automating all of this during deployment? For those of you who know me, know that I would not leave my readers hanging without some scripts to assist with this manual work.
Automating Deployment of vCenter SSO, vSphere Web Client & vCenter Server Component:
The following section will describe how to completely automate the deployment of 3 separate VCSA running vCenter SSO + Lookup Service, vSphere Web Client and vCenter Server + Inventory Service as seen in the diagram above.
Step 1 - Deploy 3 VCSA 5.1 and configure basic network connectivity. In my example, I have the following setup:
Component | Hostname | IP Address |
vCenter SSO + LS | | |
vSphere Web Client | | |
vCenter Server + IS | | |
Step 2 - Configure the vCenter SSO by creating the following shell script called
#!/bin/bash # User configurations SSO_IP_ADDRESS= ## DO NOT EDIT BEYOND HERE ## echo "Configuring SSO..." /usr/sbin/vpxd_servicecfg sso write embedded echo "Starting SSO ..." /etc/init.d/vmware-sso start echo "Retrieving services registered with Lookupservice and storing in /tmp/ls-services ..." /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool listServices https://${SSO_IP_ADDRESS}:7444/lookupservice/sdk > /tmp/ls-services VC_SERVICE_ID=$(cat /tmp/ls-services | grep -B3 "type=urn:vc" | awk -F 'serviceId=' '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d') WEBCLIENT_SERVICE_ID=$(cat /tmp/ls-services | grep -B3 "type=urn:logbrowser:logbrowser" | awk -F 'serviceId=' '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d') LOGBROWSER_SERVICE_ID=$(cat /tmp/ls-services | grep -B3 "type=urn:com.vmware.vsphere.client" | awk -F 'serviceId=' '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d') echo "Extracting vCenter Server serviceId: ${VC_SERVICE_ID} ..." echo "Extracting vSphere Web Client seviceId: ${WEBCLIENT_SERVICE_ID} ..." echo "Extracting vSphere Log Browser serviceId: ${LOGBROWSER_SERVICE_ID} ..." echo "Unregistering the local \"vCenter Server\" service from the Lookupservice ..." echo "${VC_SERVICE_ID}" > /tmp/serviceId /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool unregisterService -d https://${SSO_IP_ADDRESS}:7444/lookupservice/sdk -u root -p vmware -si /tmp/serviceId echo "Unregistering the local \"vSphere Web Client\" service from the Lookupservice ..." echo "${WEBCLIENT_SERVICE_ID}" > /tmp/serviceId /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool unregisterService -d https://${SSO_IP_ADDRESS}:7444/lookupservice/sdk -u root -p vmware -si /tmp/serviceId echo "Unregistering the local \"vSphere Log Browser\" service from the Lookupservice ..." echo "${LOGBROWSER_SERVICE_ID}" > /tmp/serviceId /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin/vi_regtool unregisterService -d https://${SSO_IP_ADDRESS}:7444/lookupservice/sdk -u root -p vmware -si /tmp/serviceId
The only user configuration that is required is to update the SSO_IP_ADDRESS variable in the script to the IP Address of the vCenter SSO Server. You can execute the script via SSH without having to copy the script to the VCSA system, here is an example execution:
We can see from the screenshot above, we automatically look for the 3 services mentioned earlier and unregister it from the vCenter SSO Server running the Lookup Service. You can easily confirm this by re-running the listServices operation with the vi_regtool.
Step 3 - Configure the vSphere Web Client Server and you can use the script noted in this article. The only user configuration that is required is to update the VCENTER_SSO_IPADDRESS variable in the script to point to the IP Address of your vCenter SSO Server. Here is an example execution:
Step 4 - Finally, the last step is to configure the vCenter Server and you can use the script noted in this article. The only user configuration that is required is to update the PRIMARY_VC variable in the script to point to the IP Address of your vCenter SSO Server. Here is an example execution:
Once the vCenter Server has successfully started, then you are now done with seperating out the three components of the vCenter Server using the VCSA. You can confirm additionally by logging back into the vCenter SSO Server and run the listServices and you should now see the IP Address or Hostname of your vSphere Web Client Server and vCenter Server being registered to the Lookup Service from the separate VCSA's. You can now login to the vSphere Web Client server and make sure you specify the full URL which should be https://[hostname-or-ipaddress]:9443/vsphere-client and you should be able to see your vCenter Server.
Note: Steps 3 and 4 can be interchange as the order does not matter, as long as vCenter SSO system is setup first.
hi, I didn't find any "" script in this article, could you please point it out, thanks!
Sorry about that, link has been fixed in the article.
Hi William,
Just want to say thanks for this blog. I installed VC Appliance 5.1.0b, connecting to VC Appliance SSO 5.1.0a. I kept getting error on Inventory services. I tried different thing. The solution was to remove all the services using the command you provided here. I found 7 services that I had to remove. Did that, and re-point the SSO again from my 5.1.0b VC, and it worked!
Thanks for sharing all these. I now have 5 vCenters fronted by 1 SSO. Definitely beats logging 5x, not to mention I can work "across" vCenters.
Have a blessed Christmas.
np! I'm not sure if combining different version of the appliance would work (5.1.0a / b) ... maybe that's causing some issues. I know that if you used the same appliance build, the steps above should work and you should not need to remove all the services (only the ones that were self-registered on the SSO host, you could break other things if you remove ALL services such as the ones related to SSO)
How can I list the registered services in SSO?
I am using full Installation not VCSA.
If you're referring to Windows vCenter Server, you'll need to run the following:
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\jre
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\ssolscli>ssolscli.cmd listServices
Thanks for the post. I only had to unregister the vpxd service (local:5) for this error message to go away. Should I also unregister the other services too? (local:6 & 7)
Hi Jim,
Yes. I would recommend removing the other services too, especially if they will not be residing on the same host.
Just sharing. We still need this CLI in 5.5. Removing via the GUI in web client does not work.
The above command still work in 5.5, although instead of root, it's now *protected email*.
Hello William,
I still cannot access the script "" from this article. It will be great help if you can point it out for me!!
Sorry about that, I've just fixed the article. Due to the blog migration, some of the scripts didn't migrate over.