Here is an exclusive for my Twitter followers! Last week I had the chance to catch up with Simon Bennett, Product Manager for both VMware Fusion & VMware Workstation and just chat about some random topics. Simon was kind enough to offer me seven free VMware Fusion 6 Professional license keys, each valued at $129 USD. I personally already had a copy of VMware Fusion which I use all the time on my iMac whenever I need to quickly spin up Virtual Machines. I thought I would extend this generous gift from Simon onto my Twitter followers, since several of you mentioned you would like one after I tweeted about the gift.
I had thought about giving it to the first seven followers that responded and realized that would have been unfair to folks who were not watching their Twitter stream at that very moment (which nobody does, least I do not). So, if you want a super easy way to win a free VMware Fusion 6 Professional license key, take a look below an please CAREFULLY READ all directions.
How to Win:
Leave a short comment on this post on what this VMware Fusion license key would enable you to do, whether that is solving a particular problem or challenge.In addition, what is the one feature that you are most excited about for new users or what new feature would you like to see for existing VMware Fusion customers. Simple, right? I will randomly select seven winners from the list of comments in one weeks time, so make sure you leave your Twitter handle in the post else you will not be eligible to win. This is open to everyone, you do not need to reside in the US to win.
How to Qualify:
- You must be following me on Twitter, I am at @lamw
- Must not be a VMware employee, I will check 🙂
- Include your Twitter handle in the comment, that is how I will contact the winners
Pietro Piutti says
VMware Fusion Professional would help me make the switch back from Windows to Mac after a few years, something I have been pondering for some time. Being able to run a nested vSphere lab on a Mac for me is the killer feature of Fusion Pro, especially given its advanced virtual networking capabilities. My Twitter handle is @stingray92
Marcin Wozniak says
for me VMware Fusion Professional help using programs that run only on windows for vsphere clinet and some vpn's. Great product. . My Twitter handle @wozik.
That James iT guy. (@Unix_Jim) says
Finally a serious chance to migrate half my clients to the Mac once XP support ends next month!!
Todd says
It would actually introduce my wife to VMware products. She loves her Mac, but I'm sure she'd love it even more if I P2V'd her Windows 8.1 desktop and let her run both operating systems on her MacBook Air. @ebersviller
Mike Stanley says
Fusion 6 Pro would allow me to take a mobile lab with me on the road when I travel. I don't sleep well in hotels anyway, so I could get more lab time in.
Beaming my Windows VM's to the hotel TV would be great. My 13" Retina MBP is built for portability, not screen size.
My Twitter handle is @mikestanley
Peter says
Testing esxi and vsan, new windows versions, old gentoo vms 🙂
pete says
port a gentoo webserver running on an old xbox to a raspberrypi
building would be alot faster on the mac inside fusion
also windows 8.1 compatibility and 3d support are features i would like to have
Luca Berruti @lberruti says
With VMware Fusion Pro I'm able to quickly test my ESXi usb scripted installer. Also have a complete lab to get always with me where experiment with orchestration tools like ansible/salt/puppet: yes, I'm a train commuter 🙂
germaine says
I will spin up a Cisco UCS emulator on my Macbook to study UCS for my new Job. @gwtocino
rsts11 says
@gallifreyan here. I have a time-limited Fusion license and an old version; I'd love to upgrade permanently for my semi-antique 1920x1200 Macbook Pro to encapsulate my work interactions separate from my home stuff. 🙂 Thanks!
Jonas Bonno Mikkelsen says
I would put it on my old xserve1,1 (2006) with OS X Lion. It's a shame with the 32 bit EFI limitation on Xserve1,1, so this would allow me to get new use of the old machine. I had no luck with installing VMware ESXi or Linux on it duo to the 32 bit EFI.
Ed Cooke says
As I just replaced my Windows workstation with a new Mac I am looking for to using Fusion to continue my home VMware lab moving my ESXi lab over. After purchasing VMware workstation (on my failing Windows PC) I plan over moving my existing Lab to my Mac, and Fusion would be the perfect way for me to accomplish the transfer! @cooke_ec
Steffen says
With VMware Fusion Pro I can get rid of my old Win 7 PC and can use Zoom's "H.323/SIP room connectors" on customer visits.
Zoom is my favorite videoconference solution (
scottcsherman says
It would allow me to keep my ESX skills sharp - get a VDI lab running with Win8, Get Hands on With Hyper-Vand start my RHEV, and OpenStack. All on one MACBOOK. I also thing the updated learning center will be a great tool .
Thanks for sharing.
Marc Crawford says
This VMware Fusion license key would enable me to build a small lab on my MBP so I can test out configurations and new software while I am away from work.
The one feature that I are most excited about is Unity mode. I can have a VM running with an old version of IE running for work apps that only support that old version of IE.
My Twitter handle is @uber_tech_geek
Matt Stone (@mstone333) says
Starting the changeover to OSX - vmware pro should would help. @mstone333
xyberpix says
I;d just use it for security research 😉
sean mcginnis says
It would help me rule the world! @SeanTMcGinnis
K Dapaah says
@lamw, I'm trying to setup a lab to prepare for VCP before my voucher expires at the end of April, at the same time testing some DevOps tools on my mac mini. This will be of tremendous help to @kdapaah !!
Mattias says
I'll be using VMware to run ArcGIS to develop maps for my local volunteer search and rescue group. @unbound
Michel Vandal says
Thanks to virtuallyGhetto, I've been running ESXi on my Mac mini 5,3 for the last 2 months! I have a Mavericks Server VM as well as a Windows 8 one, which allow me to run all the Windows Apps I need from home. Fusion would enable me run those Apps on my rMBP when away from home. I could also get lost in nested madness 😉
Warren pineau says
Testing out vSan from my Mac Pro...thanks a lot! @vitalogy80
Alessandro says
Working on alternative cost free to use vagrant with fusion.
Improve my skill on VMware product.
Doing some test and research with mininet and openflow.
Len Goldenstein says
Fusion would let me run the vSphere "fat" client hassle-free on my Mac. Perfect for my homelab! Thanks, LamW! @lengoldenstein
Alexandru Covaliov says
Not enough time to play/simulate solutions at work on production servers. At home I have an iMac only and I play labs often on a trial version of VMware Fusion. It's annoying to re-install everything from scratch. Also I would like to try VSAN which is really impossible at work as production servers are under limit and IT budget is very limited to make any upgrades. I hope with a VSAN lab I will be able to convince my boss for an important upgrade. The computer at work is also slow in performance (4GB of memory) compared to my iMac (12GB memory) where I can play with AutoLab and set it up for VSAN. I hope in one of the days, I will switch my wife from mac mini to a laptop and use that mac mini to install ESXi 5.5. I'm really impressed by William Lam guides how to install labs on mac mini =)
I hope to win this contest as Fusion will be perfect for my home lab.
Thanks. @peposimo
David Hewett says
My wife would love a copy... She just asked about running Windows on her Mac @davidahewett
Chris Chua says
I would create a windows vcenter, linux kick start server and nested esxi shells for ghetto kickstart/auto deploy testing on my Mac mini. @ikiris
Sharninder (@thegeekyninja) says
A Fusion license would finally let me remove crappt virtualbox that I've got installed on my mac right now. I've been a customer earlier around the fusion 3 days, but didn't upgrade and would love to try out the new version.
Futch, E. (@efutch) says
I would use the Fusion license for installig Linux in my Mac, to use the @pebble SDK which is not available for OS X yet! @efutch
Johan says
I'm a proud owner of a new Macbook Pro and as I'm unable to convert my VCP5 windows workstation key to Fusion this will help me spinning up the kit I need to play @Pinballas
Kostas Backas says
VMWare Fusion will help me virtualize Mavericks Server to an older MacPro hardware (which can hold up to 10.7). @costasppc
Michael hinsley says
The opertunity to be the lucky recipient of a VMware Fusion Profesional license would allow me the chance to create a LAB on my Mac to study towards VCP. I was able to pass all VCSA exams last October then found myself without a job two weeks later. I have managed to purchase several books for VCP and VSphere but after upgrading my Macs memory and hard disc I have run out of funds to purchase Fusion and this would be a great help at a tough time and very much appriciated. However I totally understand I am not the only person in need of some help and totally understand if someone more needing is picked and helped @Spiralmatrix
vcpguy says
I used Fusion trail license to convince my boss to give me MacBook Pro with SSD drives. It helps me to work on Windows and Mac seamlessly. I would like to see that advance networking support are added to Fusion.
Joel Gibson says
I would like Fusion Pro 6 so that I can use linked clones, and the network editor.
Marshal Graham says
I would use Fusion Pro 6 to teach my son (and daughters) about virtualization.
Davy Vandamme says
I could finally convince my boss to have us BYOM (Bring Your Own Mac
Davy Vandamme says
I could finally convince my boss to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mac). He could finally see how real professionals go to work. My Twitter is @discofris.
Krystian says
I would create nested esx environments on my mac in fusion and virtualize internet 🙂
And then I would check how many gb all non media files would take so that we could create internet backup.
Cristian C. says
I'd turn a MacMini into a iSCSI SAN server by running AWS Storage Gateway in VMWare Fusion 6 Pro just for the fun of mixing technologies.
Jesper Angelo (@dkguru) says
Just a week ago my 15 year old son asked me how he could learn more about coding and hacking his system and he also wanted to use other OS's for testing the games he is developing. I talked to him about using a virtual machine to avoid ruining his own PC.
If I win, this key will go straight to him 🙂
Jon Hildebrand says
I just started using a Mac recently when I switched to a new position in a new company. They didn't provide me anything to be able to run a Windows VM on it (unless I wanted to use VirtualBox.....ewww). Plus, I have Workstation 10 at home and I could use the both for my nested virtualization lab for VCAP5-DCA exam prep.
Alan says
I use Fusion 'cos I'm sad and I collect OS's. I have Windows right back to version 2. Even have BeOS and Os/2 Warp running. Professional would be nice though. @hippotech
Tim Schutt (@binkleybloom) says
VMWare 6 professional would help me to develop documentation for intricate system configurations. I can snapshot a fresh Linux install, and walk through the configuration steps. If I find a problem or screw up part way through, no sweat - I make adjustments to the document, revert back to the snapshot and start again!
Flux says
I would love the be able to run Mavericks inside a VM. It would allow me to test my DJ software as well as develop and test apps for Mavericks in a clean environment. I'd also test new versions of ESXi for my day job with nested virtualization on my Mac.
One feature I would like to see added is the ability to add hard disks through the GUI to VMs that are linked clones of other VMs. I believe this feature is currently unavailable.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Fusion 6 professional.
Andy aka Flux
Justin Allen says
I just purchased a new Mac Pro (which took an act of god and a fair amount of alcohol to convince my wife), and could really use a free version of Fusion to run a nested vsphere environment for my VCAP-DCA studies. As far as an idea for a new feature that could be useful, i do a far share of WAN testing at work using an application called WANem, I think it'd be nice to be able to emulate bandwidth/latency from within VMware to(which may be overkill for a consumer grade product) . Just an idea 🙂 @vm_ja
Jimmy Norton (@jimmylnorton) says
I'd dork around with a few Linux VMs. Perhaps build a lab for work. As for new features, I'm not certain. I don't use Fusion now... 🙂
Martin says
Want to build a nested vSphere lab and have Windows 8 into a VM on my MacBook Pro with the great features of Fusion 6 Pro like complex virtual networks and linked clones ! @martinkunstler
Dmitry Yasinskiy says
@yasinsky here. Now I have Fusion on my iMac and running 1 vm I can switch to different OS and test my web projects in different conditions, controlling the quality. Pro license would definitely contribute to the process at its best!
Darwin Díaz Garrampié says
I need to test whether the features of vmware player vmware fusion I have them in, if you do try to do snapshots as well as going the performance of virtual machines that I created.
Roman Kallen (@romankallen) says
Easily, thats the reason why i buy a macbook for build my new lab
Manuel R. Ron says
It would help me with my doubts as of late: whether to buy a Windows laptop or a MBP...
Tim Carr says
I'd use this version to help port the vbrownbag couch to openstack modules over to the VMware fusion provider. I'd like to see more of the community have the ability to play with these platforms and vmware.
Id like to see more network control in future releases of fusion (ability to control dhcp and more).
Niels Roetert says
Finally an opportunity to run Windows on my MacBook and start studying PowerCLI and join the smart kids.
Also getting Outlook on Windows will solve the issues I have with Outlook on Mac, like accessing shared calendars.
Have a great day @nroetert
Francesco Bonetti says
With Fusion I can take my portable lab with me every time I'm traveling.
The advanced networking is one of the feature that I use the most of the time.
Alexander Klein says
Lot's of great comments above! Got extra inspiration just by scrolling down to leave the comment:) I would use it for controll of the vsphere lab at school. I would also like to see whats new and enhanced about the unity feature as well as the improved 3d (graphic accelerator) support.
Nyan Win Myint says
Running Virtual Machine with Fusion 6 can run Near-Native performance in OS X Mavericks. With Fusions6, I can save my Mac's battery life longer & experiencing the powerful 3D graphics as well as support for OpenGL 2.1.
Brandon Le says
Fusion will allow me to have a mobile auto lab. No more using teamviewer to my home lab! VCP5-DT watch out!
Amit Panchal says
Fusion would allow me to finally get round to using a Macbook for some Windows goodness without switching machines all the time and above all would mean that guys from the UK do win US prize giveaways !!! The best feature is Unity View and I would love this experience as I've had it already using View on my iPad. @amitpanchal76
Darryl Cauldwell says
I'm aiming for VCDX by end of year. While I use VMware Workstation on work laptop which I use as mobile homelab when working away to study for my VCAP-DCA and blog my notes as a breakdown and plan to do same for DCD.
But at home we're 100% OSX cap to expand homelab I currently use ESX embedded USB to boot Mac mini, but with Fusion 6 license I could more easily use the Apple hardware at home and be more productive in my study.
My favourite feature is nesting test ESXi.
Feature I'd most like added in next release is the ability to run nested HyperV 2012 VMs without having to tweak the vmx file.
Andrew S says
Having a VMware Fusion 6 license would allow me to upgrade my Mac Mini to the latest Mac OS X, which I currently cannot do because it doesn't support my old version of Fusion. @epits_ashugg