The VMware Fling team has just released another cool new Fling, the vSphere SDK for JavaScript. This Fling is especially interesting as it provides the underlying SDK framework used by the popular ESXi Embedded Host Client Fling which was released back in August of last year. I came to learn about this project during last years internal R&D Innovation Offsite (RADIO) conference which is held annually and can be thought of as the VMworld conference for VMware employees.
One of the biggest highlight of the conference for me personally is checking out the expo floor where you get to see what other VMware Engineering teams have been working on whether it is the next big feature, product or new ideas that they might be thinking about. It was during my walk through that I met Rostislav Hristov, one of the Engineers who worked on the vSphere SDK for JavaScript. I was really impressed at what Rostislav built and luckily he was already in touch with the Embedded Host Client Engineers to see how they could leverage his JavaScript SDK as the initial prototype had made calls directly using the vSphere MOB which was not very friendly to develop against.
There has been a number of improvements to the vSphere SDK for JavaScript since I last saw it and although the name contains "vSphere", it definitely supports more than just the vSphere API endpoint. In fact, with this single SDK you can interact with vCenter Server Single Sign-On (SSO) API, vCloud Suite API which covers capabilities like Tagging and Content Library as well as the Site Recovery Manager (SRM) APIs! For customers and partners that are looking to develop their own web portals or interfaces that can integrate with these APIs, this will be a handy tool to have.
To get started, the vSphere SDK for JavaScript contains a README file that contains additional instructions on setting up the SDK as well as a couple of samples that demonstrates each of the supported API endpoints:
- vimService.js - Sample using the vSphere API
- stsService.js - Sample using the SSO API
- cisServices.js - Sample using the vCloud Suite API
- srmService.js - Sample using the SRM API
Here is the command to run the vimService.js sample which will also require you to set the environmental variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 if you are using the default VMware self-signed SSL Certificate.
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 babel-node samples/vimService.js
Once the sample has started up, you will be prompted with a URL to open in your browser. In the vimService.js example, you will be able to login to either a vCenter Server or ESXi host as seen in the screenshot below.
Once logged in, you should see a simple listing of the different inventory objects in your vSphere enviornment.
In the stsService.js sample, once logged in by specifying the address to your PSC/SSO instance, you should see that a SAML token was issued.
The cisService.js sample exercises several operations using a mixture of both the vSphere API as well as the new vCloud Suite API. It does require connecting to a vCenter Server 6.0 environment as it will be performing operations using the new vSphere Content Library feature as well as some VM operations. Do not worry, once the operations have been completed, the script will automatically clean itself up. This is a great sample if you want to see how you could make use of the different APIs all through this single SDK.
I did not have an SRM environment up and running to test the srmService.js sample, but you can see from the code that it will list all of the recovery plans and their current state. For more details on how the individual APIs work, you can refer to the documentation included in the vSphere SDK for JavaScript or the official API documentation for the individual products. If you have any feedback or comments about this Fling, please leave a comment on the Fling site here as I am sure the Engineers would love to hear what you think!
this does not work for me. When i browse to https://localhost:4443 I do get the login screen. When I put in my vSphere node and credentials, all I get is Internal server error
such as vimService.js,you need change the "secure" to "false" in the "proxy" variable or you set global config