In the vSphere UI, users can easily view and manage all of their vCenter Server certificates by navigating to Administration->Certificate->Certificate Management as shown in the screenshot below.
There are four types of vCenter Server certificates: Machine SSL, VMware Certificate Authority, STS Signing Certificate and the Trusted Root. On the main summary view, we can see the validity of the certificate, which is useful to quickly determine if you need to plan on replacing a specific certificate. We can also get more information about a specific certificate by clicking on the "View Details".
A question recently came up internally asking whether there is a vSphere API to retrieve all of this information programmatically, especially the validity of the certificate?
The answer is yes! All certificate management functionality in vCenter Server is also available using the vCenter REST API also referred to as vSphere Automation API. Below are the specific APIs for retrieving each type of certificate:
- Machine SSL Certificate
- VMware Certificate Authority & STS Signing Certificate
- Trusted Root
To demonstrate the certificate management API, I have created a quick PowerCLI function called Get-VCSACertificate that makes it super easy to retrieve either all or a specific certificate.
Step 1 - Download the Get-VCSACertificate.ps1 to your local system
Step 2 - Source the Get-VCSACertificate.ps1 file which contains the PowerCLI Get-VCSACertificate function by running the following command:
. ./Get-VCSACertificate.ps1
Step 3 - Connect to vCenter Server using the Connect-CisServer cmdlet since we are interacting with the vCenter REST API
Connect-CisServer -Server vc.primp-industries.local -User administrator[at]vsphere[dot]local -Password VMware1!
Step 4 - Run the Get-VCSACertificate function without any arguments to retrieve all vCenter Server certificates:
You can also filter for a specific certificate type by using the -Type argument which supports the following values: MACHINE, VMCA_ROOT, STS and TRUSTED_ROOT which you can see some examples below:
Get-VCSACertificate -Type STS
Get-VCSACertificate -Type VMCA_ROOT
When is VMware going to support the ACME for automated 3rd party CA renewals? With Google pushing 30 day SSL lifetimes this is imperative.
Is there any news about the vCert tool from GSS?
Is it possible to retrieve the Solution User certificates using the REST API?
No, since they've been deprecated since 7.x
Please tell me, when I run the Get-VCSA Certificate.ps1 script, it will appear [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] does not contain a method named 'CreateFromPem'.
Same here, tried from Windows PowerCLI and also from a Linux box, no luck!
I have the same problem, X509Certificate2 does not contain a method name CreateFromPem.
I tried $Cert2Type:: and tab, and only shows:
I think the problem is I'm using Powershell ISE and it only works until PowerShell V5.1. I tried in a simple PowerShell 7 windows and I have all the method, I will migrate to Visual Studio Code from ISE.
You can adjust the script like this (to use a temporary file)
foreach ($signingCert in $signingCerts) {
$signingCert | Set-content $env:TMP\cert.crt
$cert = $xCert2Type::CreateFromCertFile("$env:TMP\cert.crt") -as $xCert2Type
BR, Alek
I'm trying to figure out how to make this work with a user that is not admin. I hope there is a group I can add my report account to but no luck so far.