A frequent question that I get asked from customers and new developers that are looking to get started with VMware Automation is what CLIs (command-line interfaces) or SDKs (programing/scripting specific languages) are available for them to use? I know it is not always easy to find out what is available on the VMware.com website and some times I even have trouble browsing for all the right information as it is located in many different places. I figure it would be helpful not only for myself but also for others if I put together a list of the various VMware CLIs, SDKs and even some of the new DevOps Tools that VMware has been working on that are available to our customers/developers and partners. I have also included a couple of community tools that I think are pretty interesting. If there are others that you think I should add to the list, feel free and leave a comment.
Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list of every single VMware product/toolkit as there are many many more, including gated SDKs specifically for our partner eco-system. For more details on those API/SDKs, be sure to check out the VMware Developer Center.
UPDATE (4/20) - VMware now has an Open Source page on Github http://vmware.github.io/
VMware Cloud Native Apps:
VMware DevOps Tools:
- VMware Docker Machine
- VMware boot2docker
- Packer vmware-ovf post processor
- open-vmdk
- Vagrant plugin for Photon
vCloud Air:
- CLIs
- SDKs
- DevOps Tools
vCloud Director:
- CLIs
- SDKs
- DevOps Tools
- CLIs
- SDKs
- vSphere SDK for .NET
- vSphere SDK for Go (govmomi)
- vSphere SDK for Java
- vSphere SDK for Perl
- vSphere SDK for Python (pyvmomi)
- vSphere SDK for Ruby (rbvmomi)
- vSphere SDK for JavaScript
- VSAN Management SDK for .NET
- VSAN Management SDK for Java
- VSAN Management SDK for Python
- VSAN Management SDK for Ruby
- DevOps Tools
vRealize Management Suite:
- CLIs
- SDKs