In addition to all the new capabilities and enhancements included in the release of VSAN 6.2 (vSphere 6.0 Update 2) which you can read more about here and here; VSAN 6.2 also introduces a new VSAN Management API which extends the existing vSphere APIs that our customers are quite familiar with.
This new VSAN Management API will allow developers, partners and administrators to automate all aspects of VSAN functionality including: complete lifecycle (install, upgrade, patch), monitoring (including VSAN Observer capabilities), configuration and troubleshooting. There will be two new service endpoints /vsan for an ESXi host and /vsanHealth for vCenter Server respectively which will provide access to the new VSAN Management API interfaces.
UPDATE: (03/17/16) - Check out this article here on how to quickly get started with the new VSAN Management API.
Below are the list of new vSphere Managed Objects that provide the different VSAN capabilities:
Managed Object | Functionality | ESXi or VC |
HostVsanHealthSystem | VSAN Health related configuration and query APIs | ESXi only |
HostVsanSystem | VSAN related configuration and query APIs | ESXi only |
VsanObjectSystem | VSAN object related status query and storage policy setting APIs | ESXi & VC |
VsanPerformanceManager | VSAN Performance related configuration and query APIs | ESXi & VC |
VsanSpaceReportSystem | VSAN cluster space usage related query APIs | VC only |
VsanUpgradeSystem | Used to perform and monitor VSAN on-disk format upgrades | VC only |
VsanUpgradeSystemEx | VSAN upgrade and disk format conversion related APIs | VC only |
VsanVcClusterConfigSystem | VSAN cluster configuration setting and query APIs | VC only |
VsanVcClusterHealthSystem | VSAN Health related configuration and query APIs | VC only |
VsanVcDiskManagementSystem | VSAN disks related configuration and query APIs | VC only |
VsanVcStretchedClusterSystem | VSAN Stretched Cluster related configuration and query APIs | VC only |
Note: There will be a VSAN Management API Reference guide similar to the vSphere API Reference Guide which will be released as part of VSAN 6.2. There, you will find much greater detail on each of the new vSphere Managed Objects and their associated methods and usage.
For customers interested in consuming this new VSAN Management API, there will be initially five language specific bindings also known as an SDK (Software Development Kit) that will be available for download when VSAN 6.2 is generally available:
- VSAN Management SDK for Python - Extends pyvmomi (vSphere SDK for Python)
- VSAN Management SDK for Ruby - Extends rbvmomi (vSphere SDK for Ruby)
- VSAN Management SDK for Java - Extends vSphere SDK for Java
- VSAN Management SDK for C# - Extends vSphere SDK for C#
- VSAN Management SDK for Perl - Extends vSphere SDK for Perl
Additional language bindings are being worked on and if you have any feedback on what you might like to see next, feel free to leave a comment.