A few weeks back the VMware Lab's team released a cool new fling called SilverLining which allows users to build a simplified user-interface for vCloud Director. This interface can be run from any modern web-browser that supports HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. To access the SilverLining interface, you must first install it on a vCloud Director 5.1 Cell.
From a development or proof of concept perspective, it would be really nice to be able to run SilverLining locally from your desktop and point it to a valid vCloud Director 5.1 instance for testing. Well, this is exactly what Andrea Siviero, a Consulting Architect for VMware discovered while playing around with the SilverLining Fling.
UPDATE: 2/28 - For Safari, you can use open /Applications/Safari.app/ --args -disable-web-security
Disclaimer: The solution described here is specifically for Chrome running on Mac OS X or Windows. I have not looked into equivalent settings for other browsers.
Here are the steps required to make this work:
Step 1 - Download SilverLining and extract the contents to your local desktop
Step 2 - Under Silverlining->js directory, there is a file called main.js that needs to be modified. Add the following right under "$(document).ready(function() {" which should point to the base URL of your vCloud Director instance:
localStorage.server = "https://vcd.primp-industries.com";
Step 3 - Launch Chrome with the additional argument via the command-line and load the index.html in the SilverLining directory:
open /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/ --args -disable-web-security
Note: For Windows version of Chrome just pass in the following either via command-line or shortcut to Chrome.exe -disable-web-security
If everything was successful, you should be able to login to the vCloud Organization of your choice and see all the vApps and Catalogs you have access to!
If you receive the "You are attempting to connect to a system no longer supported" shown in the screenshot below:
You may be pointing to a vCloud Director instance that is using a self-signed certificate and you will need to trust the site before proceeding. To do so, open up a new tab and enter the following URL (substituting your vCloud Director URL):
Click on the "Proceed Anyway" and then reload the index.html page and you should now be able to login to vCloud Director.
I would like to thank Andrea for sharing this awesome tip! Now you can easily develop and test your own custom interface using the Javascript SDK provided by SilverLining all on your desktop. Best of all, you can now point this to any remote vCloud Director 5.1 instance whether that be private or public!