After answering this question internally, I thought I would also share the details externally for anyone that might also be interested in automating the silent installation of the VMware Client Integration Plugin (CIP). Below are the commands to run for both Windows as well as Mac OS X (be sure to replace the filenames with the paths to your files).
C:\Users\lamw\Desktop\VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0.exe /s /v/qn /l C:\Users\lamw\Desktop\cip.log
Mac OS X:
hdiutil attach -nobrowse ~/Desktop/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0.mac64.dmg
sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0.mac64.dmg/VMware\ Client\ Integration\ Plug-in.pkg -target /
hdiutil detach /Volumes/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0.mac64.dmg
Someone had commented on Twitter that it would be great to have a public URL for the CIP installer for automation. In fact, such a URL does exists 🙂 If you open a browser to your vSphere Web Client login page and you do not have CIP installed, there is a link at the lower left hand corner. The URL provided is one that is hosted on VMware and always points to the latest version.
You also have the option to download a specific version. For example, the download URL for Build 299404 would look like the following:
The windows CIP installer seems to do something strange, like it's expecting to only be installed by a user. If I use SCCM to "install for all users" running the exe silently as outlined above it will fail with an error 1603. If I extract the msi from the EXE by pulling it from the %temp% folder while it's running, it similarly fails to complete installation. In either case it goes so far as to put the content into %programfiles(x86)%\VMWare\Client Integration Plug-in but then it fails when running vmware-csd.exe --install. Installing it for the current user does, however, succeed, at least as long as I make the user walk through the GUI installer.
Quick and dirty script for updating OSX & Chrome..
oh and you must have SIP disabled on you mac for the plugin to work unfortunately...
@GabeSter - After much time spent investigating the deployment, I discovered I can only successfully deploy the software from 'Applications' in SCCM 2012 with the installtion behavior set to "Install for user." I suspect is that it's related to either the permissions for SCCM to manage the deployment under C:\Windows\Temp and/or the context in which the application is deployed. I say this because if deploy the same application under a users context, it extracts the contents in the users %temp% directory ('C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp') and runs fine.
I want to use a silent uninstall and the "/s /v/qn" options do not work with the /u option. Can you tell me how to do a silent uninstall? I have tried various combination of these options with the /u and it either fails the uninstall or asks me questions.
I'm curious on why you're trying to use the CIP installer to perform an "uninstall" rather than using the Windows uninstaller interface?
I just tried the following and works (make sure browsers are closed or else the uninstall will fail)
$package = "VMware Client Integration Plug-in 6.0.0"
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match "$package"
@William Lam, I tried above for VMware-EnhancedAuthenticationPlugin-6.5.0, But did not work, I have tried various combination of these options. Tried my own method of extracting files after files. It works, But would not recommend for enterprise customer.
opening VMware-EnhancedAuthenticationPlugin-6.5.0.exe using 7zip shows, there are 3 files
It seems that runsetup.exe is not needed and two remaning takes /s /v"/qn" (yes, quotes are needed) as argument for silent install.
VMware-ClientIntegrationService.win32.exe seems to run some init and shows some console window, but it is untended at least.
I have also been tasked to package this is SCCM. What's the best solution for this