Continuing from our previous post Leveraging vCD + vCO + Wavemaker Part 1, I am now going to show you how to integrate the vCenter Orchestrator workflow we created earlier into Wavemaker to present a simple web application to an end user. If you can not wait to go through all the steps, jump to the bottom for the video of the final product.
You will need to download Wavemaker 6.4.3 RC versus the 6.3.3 GA because there is a specific UI feature that I have utilized to provide a better user experience. You will need to register for a free account to download the development builds and I have been told 6.4.3 should GA pretty soon.
Once you have downloaded Wavemaker, you will need to install it on your system and you maybe asked to perform an additional library download, just follow the instructions and you ready to create your first Wavemaker application. After the installation, go ahead and start the Wavemaker application and it will automatically launch a web browser which will be your workspace. You will need to use either Firefox or Internet Explorer, as it does not work with Chrome.
In case you get lost below or would like to just get this working right away, I have exported my project and it can be downloaded it here. You can simply import the .zip file and make the necessary changes to the project to fit your environment.
Start off by creating a new project and give your project a name and just use the default theme and then click ok.
Next, at the top screen click on "Services" and then "Web Service" since vCO is exposed as a webService API which we will import into Wavemaker.
We need to specify the URL of your vCO server, it should be in the following format:
and then provide a name for your service, in the example, I named it "vCOReference".
Once the vCO service has been imported, click on "Canvas" and then "Palette". We will now add widgets for our web application. Add the following in this order: Picture (if you wish), Text, Button and Grid. It should look something like the following:
Most of these should be pretty self explanatory widgets. The Grid (dataGrid) is used to display your data result.
If you decide you would like to add a logo/banner, click on the "Source" tab at the top and then click on "Resources". Here you will be able to add any additional resources to your project such as a images.
Once you have uploaded your image, select the picture widgets in your canvas and click on "source" icon to the right side of the screen. Here you can now bind to the image you just uploaded and click "Bind", there is also a green icon on the upper right hand corner to show you whether or not the binding is the proper type.
You should see the image being displayed in the picture widget.
Now click on the Text widget in your canvas and go ahead and provide a name for the variable and also a caption which is located on the right side of the screen. In the example, I named both fields "username", you can provide a different name but be sure to keep track of the variable name as it is used later on.
If you recall earlier, I mentioned I am using a specific UI widget that requires Wavemaker 6.4.3 RC, which is the LoadingDialog widget and allows us to display a busy dialog for various events. This is just one of the many features in 6.4.3 release. Go ahead and add this to the canvas and it is under "Dialogs". We will also configure the "widgetToCover" and specify "dojoGrid1" which is just the name of our dataGrid.
Next we will need to add several variables that will call the vCO services and store our results. To add these new variables, you will click on the "Insert" option at the very top. It is also helpful to be in the "Services" tab next to "Model" to see the variables that have been created in your navigation pane.
The first variable that we will add is called "varResult", this will be a regular variable that will be used to store our results. Make sure the following properties on the right side of the screen are set:
- name = varResult
- type = StringData
- isList = checked
The second variable to be created will be a "Service Variable" and will named "getResult" which will retrieve the results from vCO using the getWorkflowTokenResult API method. Make sure the following properties on the right side of the screen are set:
name = getResult
servcice = vCOReference
operation = getWorkflowTokenResult
The third variable will be a "Timer" variable which is located under "Advanced" and will be named "resultTimer". This is needed as the results are not available immediately after executing the workflow and we set a 3sec timer to then retrieve our results.
Make sure the following properties on the right side of the screen are set:
- name = resultTimer
- delay = 3000 (in MS, you may need to tweak this based on your env)
- repeating = unchecked
We will also need to specify the action to trigger when the timer fires, this is defined under "Events" for the resultTimer variable. Set the onTimerFire to "getResult" Service Variable that we defined earlier. When the timer goes off, it will retrieve the results of our workflow
The fourth and final variable that we will need to add is also a "Service Variable" which will execute the workflow by calling the executeWorkflow API in vCO. We will name it "runWF". Make sure the following properties on the right side of the screen are set:
- name = runWF
- service = vCOReference
- operation = executeWorkflow
Now we need to bind our parameters which will be used to provide input to the various variables and/or vCO API methods.
The first one will be the "getResult" variable and you will need to expand down to "parameters" on the right side of the screen. Here you should see three parameters which will need to be populated: password, username and workflowTokenId.
Click on "username" and then a new window will pop-up. Select "Expression" and then select "username" and provide the username that will be used to connect to vCO and ensure there are double quotes around the string and click Apply when finished.
Click on "password" and do the same exact thing and provide the password that will be used to connect to vCO and click Apply when finished.
Click on "workflowId" and instead of selecting "Expression", select "Simple" and drill down into the "runWF" Service Variable and select "id". As part of the executeWorkflow return object, a WorkflowTokenType is returned and the "id" property is what is needed for us to retrieve the results of the workflow. Click "Bind" to finish the parameter binding for this service variable.
Note: There is a green box on the upper right hand of the screen which validates the property binding type, this can be helpful when binding parameters.
After you have finished binding those three parameters, you should now see the following:
Lastly for this service variable, we will also need to create an event trigger. Select "onResult" and click on "Javascript" which will allow us to insert some javascript logic upon the result of the data.
You will now be taken to the "Source" tab and a new javascript function will automatically be created for you called "getResultResult" assuming you have followed the naming standards in the example. You will need to add the following lines of javascript to the function:
The script clears any previous output on the dataGrid and then retrieves the data which is returned as a single string and replaces all the characters we do not want. It then splits using the ";" as the delimiter and adds each entry to our dataGrid.
Once you have pasted the javascript, go ahead and click back on the "Cavnas" tab. In addition to the first even trigger, we will also set "onSuccess" to loadingDialog1.hide which will hide the busy dialog after the results are available to be displayed on the dataGrid.
Now we need to configure the event triggers for "runWF" service variable. The first is "onBeforeUpdate" and we will set that to which will display the busy dialog while the workflow is being executing. The second will be "onResult" and that will be configured to call the "resultTimer" timer variable and retrieve our results after the workflow has been executed.
Next we will need to configure the "submit" button event and we will again create a custom javascript which will call our "runWF" service variable.
Note: This technically could have been easier to bind to the parameters of the "runWF" service variable, but I found a bug that prevented this from working. A work around was provided by Michael Kantor, a Wavemaker developer and the bug has been reported and hopefully will be fixed before the GA version of 6.4.3 is released.
You will need to add the following lines of javascript to the function:
Here you will need to substitute the username/password to your vCO server and the workflowId which can be obtained by following this blog post. The workflowInputs requires the name of the workflow input variable name and assuming you followed the previous article, you can keep the same name and "this.username.getDataValue()" will extract the string from the username text widget you added. If you changed the name of the variable, you will need to update this accordingly.
Okay, we are almost there. The last widget we need to add an event trigger to is the dataGrid and for "onClick" we will also create a new javascript.
You will need to add the following lines of javascript to the function:
This single line of javascript will open a new window when a user clicks on one of the dataGrid cells.
Now lastly, we just need to bind our dataGrid to our "varResult" variable that contains the results. Select the dataGrid widget and click on "dataSet" and bind to "varResult" and ensure you see a green icon on the upper right hand side of the window.
You can also name the column header, by default it is called "DataValue" and you can change it to "orgUrls" if you like. To do so, right click on the dataGrid and select "editColumns".
We are all done now! We just need to compile the application by click on the "Run" icon at the very top. After the application compiles, it will open a new window to your new Wavemaker application.
Here is a quick video demonstration of the application using:
Leveraging vCD + vCO + Wavemaker Part 2 from lamw on Vimeo.
So there you have it, creating your own custom web portal application using Wavemaker, vCenter Orchestrator and vCloud Director vCO Plugin! As you can see the possibilities are endless and with a little javascript knowledge, you can create any type of portal that goes beyond just VMware products!
I would like to give a big thanks to Christian Johannsen, Michael Kantor and especially Craig Conover in assisting me with creating my first Wavemaker application. These guys are truly rock stars with vCO and/or Wavemaker! For more information about Wavmeker, definitely check out documentation/examples and the Wavemaker community forums.
In addition, there are some other great examples of utilizing Wavemaker written by my colleagues: