Feedback on my recent Hybrid Cloud Extension (HCX) Automation articles has been very positive, thanks to those who have reached out. One area that I have not had a chance to spend much time on which a few of you have pinged me about is the automating the actual deployment of the HCX Manager, which is provided to customers as an OVA image. In this article, I have created a basic PowerCLI script called deploy_hcx_manager_ova.ps1 that demonstrates using the Import-VApp and Get-OVFConfiguration cmdlets to import the OVA along with specifying the required OVF properties. The script will also wait for the HCX Manager to be ready by checking the VAMI URL located at https://[HCX-MANAGER]:9443
Lastly, for those of you who are new to HCX or would like a step by step walk through of setting up HCX, Emad Younis just kicked off a new blog series on learning about HCX, which I highly recommend folks check out here.
Here are the instructions on using the PowerCLI script to automate the HCX OVA deployment:
Step 1 - Download the latest HCX Manager OVA from HCX Cloud (you will need to login with your cloudadmin credentials)
Step 2- Download the PowerCLI HCX deployment script here.
Step 3 - Edit the script with your HCX configuration and deployment details
Step 4 - You will need to connect to your vCenter Server by using the Connect-VIServer cmdlet and then run the deployment script using the following command:
Once the deployment is successful, you can now open a browser to https://[HCX-MANAGER]:9443 and login using the admin credentials that you had specified in the script. I also plan to do a follow-up to this blog post on automating the initial configuration using the HCX VAMI APIs, so stay tuned.
Thanks for the comment!