One of the capabilities that is available with VSAN when creating a VM Storage Policy is the ability to specify the amount of to Flash to reserve for a Virtual Machine object as a read cache. For Virtual Machines that require high levels of performance, you can assign this policy to the Virtual machine and VSAN will ensure a percentage of the Flash capacity is provided to your workload.
A couple weeks back I was asked whether it was possible to report on the total amount of Flash capacity available to a VSAN Cluster including what has been reserved and in use. I thought that this was a great idea as users would probably want to be able see their utilization over time and ensure they do not over provision their Flash capacity.
For those of you who have used RVC, this information is somewhat available today using the vsan.disks_stats command. The only problem is that this information is only provided at a per device level for each ESXi host and not in an aggregate view for the entire VSAN Cluster.
Leveraging the work I had done earlier with exploring the VSAN API and looking at the VSAN component count, I was able to extract the necessary information that I was looking for to provide an aggregate view. To demonstrate this functionality, I have created two sample scripts: vSphere SDK for Perl script called and PowerCLI script called vsanFlashAndMDCapacity.ps1
Disclaimer: These scripts are provided for informational and educational purposes only. It should be thoroughly tested before attempting to use in a production environment.
Both scripts work exactly the same way, you just need to connect it to a vCenter Server that has at least one VSAN Cluster. The script will automatically search for all VSAN enabled vSphere Cluster and provide the following information:
- Total SSD Capacity
- Total SSD Reserved Capacity
- Total SSD Used Capacity
- Total MD Capacity
- Total MD Reserved Capacity
- Total MD Used Capacity
Here is an example screenshot for the vSphere SDK for Perl script:
Here is an example screenshot for the PowerCLI script:
One question I had myself while looking at the results was regarding the "Used" property and what it meant. I think this is best explained with an example after learning about the details from engineering.
Lets say there are 2 VSAN objects:
- Object1: Configured size: 100GB, space reservation 10%, actual data written 5GB.
- Object2: Configured size: 100GB, space reservation 10%, actual data written 15GB.
This would mean:
Configured/Provisioned: 100GB
Reserved: 10GB
Physical Used: 5GB
Used: 10GB
Configured/Provisioned: 100GB
Reserved: 10GB
Physical Used: 15GB
Used: 15GB
The "Used" property is then calculated as the MAX(Physical Used, Reserved). I have also shared this information with engineering, perhaps they may consider adding this information to RVC 🙂 If you think this is something you would like to see in RVC, please leave a comment.