Looking back on 2010, it is hard to believe that virtuallyGhetto was created only 7 months ago. Instead of writing a long post, we thought we would share with you some of the highlights and favorite blog posts/scripts of 2010:
Here were the highlights for virtuallyGhetto in 2010:
May 31st - virtuallyGhetto says hello to the blogosphere
June 25th - virtuallyGhetto is part of the esteemed VMware Planet v12n feed
Sept 27th - virtuallyGhetto made the Top 25 VMware Bloggers List
Nov 19th - Veeam becomes first sponsor for virtuallyGhetto
ghettoVCB.sh | 367,905 |
ghettoVCBg2.pl | 66,683 |
vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl | 62,861 |
ghettoShutdown.pl/upsVIShutdown.pl (DEPRECATED) | 48,693 |
vmwareHealthCheck.pl | 36,969 |
ghettoVCB-restore.sh | 30,583 |
ghetto-esxi-linked-clones.sh | 12,227 |
ghettoUPSHostShutdown.pl | 7,820 |
vmwarevSphereSecurityHardeningReportCheck.pl | 5,356 |
ghettoHostBackupManagement.pl | 4,723 |
*Note: You may have noticed that the ghettoVCB VMTN document is currently inaccessible (displays "Forbidden" error). This is a known issue that was caused by the recent VMTN community upgrade by VMware. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we are hoping the issue will get resolved when VMware resumes after the holiday period. In the meanwhile, you can access the document via Google cache for the latest version of the script*
We also want to take this moment to thank our readers and the virtualization community for the support that you guys have given us through the comments on the blog, VMTN, linkage, twitter re-tweets, etc. There are two individuals that I would like to personally thank: Duncan Epping who has encouraged me on numerous occasions to start my own blog. In the end, it was the passion and dedication that Duncan put into his own blog to share with the community that really inspired me to start virtuallyGhetto. I would also like to thank Chris Wolf, who has been one of our first avid supporters of ghettoVCB and even today, he is still one of our largest advocate, providing honorable mentions even in his VMworld presentations!
We look forward to 2011 and hope to continue to provide great content and scripts to the VMware and virtualization community. We wish you happy holidays and a great New Year! See you all in 2011!