If you are attending VMworld Developers Day 2010, come by and check out the presentation I will be giving alongside the security and virtualization expert, Edward Haletky.
Our presentation is entitled: vGhetto - Communities Building Great Solutions (PPC-07)
Level: AdvancedDescription: The vSphere APIs offer a very rich interface allowing developers and administrators to create any number of scripts and tools to aid in the management of their VMware environment. We will present to you how the vGhetto Scripts and Client were created using vSphere API in a platform agnostic manner. The vGhetto Client is a multi platform user interface for running tasks that previously could only be run from a command line. We will also show you how to implement the vGhetto Scripts on various platforms that includes Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX including a few live demonstrations. While we have chosen the vSphere SDK for Perl, all other SDKs (PowerCLI, VI Java, etc.) can also work in creation of an invaluable set of tools targeted at a developer or administrator.Speaker: William Lam, Edward Haletky
If you are interested in automation and want to learn how the vGhetto Scripts can help you administer and manage your VMware environment. We will also be giving a cool demo of the vGhetto Client, you won't want to miss this session. Hope to you see you here!
For more details on this and other sessions at VMworld Developers Day 2010, check out this blog post here.
I would also like to mentioned that Wil Van Antwerpen, who is not listed in the abstract, is also a key member in the vGhetto Open Source Project. Unfortunately, Wil will not be joining us at VMworld this year.
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