In case you have not heard the news, VMware had recently published a new knowledge base article (KB 85685) outlining details for the future removal of SD card/USB as a standalone boot device for ESXi.
📣 New VMware KB has just been published on the Removal of SD card/USB as a standalone boot device option for ESXi
— William Lam ( | @*protected email*) (@lamw) September 16, 2021
If you have not read the KB, please take a few minutes and carefully read the article, especially as you think about future hardware upgrades and purchases.
There has certainly been no shortage of discussions and debates since the publishing of the VMware KB. One topic that I know many of you have been wondering and asking about is what is the impact to vSphere Homelabs? This was something that had already crossed my mind after I first read the KB and I was thinking about this a bit more this week and specifically some of the potential options that are available to customers right now but also some of the considerations you may want to account for in with future homelab upgrades.
Disclaimer: These are my own personal opinions and do not reflect any official guidance or recommendations from VMware.