VMworld is only a couple of weeks away and I can not believe this will be my 7th VMworld! My, how time has flown by so quickly. I have been pretty busy these last couple of months finishing up some internal projects as well as starting up a couple of new ones. I had been thinking about submitting a vBrownBag Tech Talk as I have done in past years, but there has just been too much going on. Giving it some more thought, I thought it would be cool to put together a panel of community folks to discuss some of my favorite topics like Nested Virtualization as well as Development/Test and Home Labs.
I am please to announce the VMworld vBrownBag Tech Talk : Nested Virtualization & Dev/Test/Home Lab Panel which will include Sean Crookston, Doug Baer, Nick Marshall and myself as the panelists. I was originally hoping to have a few more folks from the community, but due to the late submission, we ran into scheduling conflicts. I am very excited for this session which will take place on Wednesday, August 27th from 11:45am to 12:15pm (30minutes). I wanted to give a huge shout out to Sean Massey who was originally scheduled to present right after ours but decided to offer us his time slot as 15minutes was going to be tough for a panel discussion. Much appreciated Sean!
Due to the short amount of time, we really want to make the most out of this session and most importantly, make this as interactive as possible with the audience. We would like to collect any questions or topics that folks might be interested and we will pick a couple for the panelists to answer or discuss. We will also have topics that we may raise but it would be much more interesting to hear from you! Please leave a comment if you wish to ask a question and perhaps those that get selected, may even win a prize?
We hope to see you at the Tech Talk and lastly, this is going to be a MUST attend session ... that's all I can really say 🙂
BTW - I also would like to give a shout out to Doug Baer who will be running a VMware Knowledge Expert discussion related to the HOL Lab Environment on Tuesday, August 26 at 1pm PST. Though his focus will primarily be HOL, but as many of you know the underlying technology is Nested Virtualization. A couple of us will also be attending that session, so if there are any questions you would like to ask but did not get a chance to during the Tech Talk, you can also find us there.
I'm really looking forward to this -- please, bring your questions and we'll see what we can do to answer them!
Looking forward to it, and to figuring out what this surprise you have in store is.
I'm building out a 3 node ESXi cluster nested on my Mac Pro. What is the speediest config for storage?
A. Build VSAN using some SSD & block vmdk files?
B. Share the host SSD and block disk via NFS to the nested ESXi vm's
Other options? New features released at VMworld to consider?
One more for you..
I like to have all my vmk interfaces on a dvs. What is the optimal way to migrate management interfaces of the esxi hosts and the vc interface to a management port group on the dvs. I have done this a few different ways but often end up with a catch22 situation. Using the wizard to move everything at once doesn't seem reliable...