While working on updating my vGhetto Automated vSphere Lab Deployment script to add support for NSX 6.3 with vSphere 6.5, I ran into an issue with the Host Preparation step. Although the resolution turned out to be quite simple, it was very difficult to diagnose the problem. I suspect this scenario could easily be encountered by others, so I wanted to make folks aware of what I ran into. There is also another potential gotcha for host preparation that I did not encounter myself, but it was brought to my attention that I thought was also worth sharing as well.
Scenario 1 - Attempted Host Preparation and all "Install agent" tasks fails with "Cannot complete the operation. See the event log for details" and below is a screenshot of the error. There was nothing useful when looking at the event logs for either NSX or ESXi using the vSphere Web Client.
There was also nothing useful in the ESXi log /var/log/esxupdate.log that gave insights to why the NSX VIBs failed to install:
2017-02-16T12:38:53Z esxupdate: 73899: Transaction: DEBUG: Populating VIB list from all VIBs in metadata https://vcenter65-1.primp-industries.com:443/eam/vib?id=d4917629-51d1-4da9-82d6-8da54815447d; depots:
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: downloader: DEBUG: Downloading https://vcenter65-1.primp-industries.com:443/eam/vib?id=d4917629-51d1-4da9-82d6-8da54815447d to /tmp/tmpdfcbr23q...
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: Metadata.pyc: INFO: Unrecognized file vendor-index.xml in Metadata file
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_6.5.0-0.0.4564106 to ImageProfile (Updated) ESXi-6.5.0-4564106-standard
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_bootbank_esx-vsip_6.5.0-0.0.4987428 to ImageProfile (Updated) ESXi-6.5.0-4564106-standard
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_bootbank_esx-vxlan_6.5.0-0.0.4987428 to ImageProfile (Updated) ESXi-6.5.0-4564106-standard
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/bin/localcli', 'system', 'maintenanceMode', 'get']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
2017-02-16T12:38:54Z esxupdate: 73899: HostInfo: INFO: localcli system returned status (0) Output: Disabled Error: