Just like the title states, if you have a cool idea for a VMware Fling, you could win a free pass to VMworld 2013! If you missed the news during the first day of VMworld, there was a contest that was kicked off called the VMware Open Innovation 2012 Contest which provides a way for you to submit ideas for future VMware Flings that you wish you had today.
Have you ever used or heard of Onyx, Auto Deploy GUI, esxplot, etc? These are all VMware Flings from the VMware Labs. If you have not heard of the VMware Flings, I highly recommend you check out the site as there are tons of awesome tools that are completely FREE to download and use!
If your idea is selected, not only would you win a free pass to next year's VMworld 2013, but VMware engineers could also be building your tool based on your idea! Now that is COOL!
So, you have an idea for a Fling? Register here to get started, the contest ends on Oct 31, 2012 11:59 PM PST! As of writing this, there have only been 11 submissions (VMware employees are not eligible to win) so that brings the count down to 9, so your chances a very good! 😀