While extracting the new performance metrics in vSphere 5 for a blog post, I came across a metric type that I had never noticed before, vcDebugInfo. These performance metrics seems to deal with some of the internal performance/counters in vCenter such as lock statistics, MoRef (Managed Object Reference) counts, etc. Majority of these metrics are available in either collection level 1 or 4 which is the highest level containing all statistics. VMware's best practice is to only enable collection level 1 or 2, 3 and 4 should only be enabled under VMware supervision for debugging purposes which is most likely when some of these stats may come in handy. So be warn, these are probably not supported by VMware
I found it interesting that these metrics are hidden from the vSphere Client UI, but they can easily be extracted when going through the vSphere API. It is just amazing on all the goodies you can find when going through the APIs 🙂
Metric | Stat Level | Description |
vcDebugInfo | ||
maximum.millisecond.activationlatencystats | 4 | The latency of an activation operation in vCenter |
minimum.millisecond.activationlatencystats | 4 | The latency of an activation operation in vCenter |
summation.millisecond.activationlatencystats | 1 | The latency of an activation operation in vCenter |
maximum.number.activationstats | 4 | Activation operations in vCenter |
minimum.number.activationstats | 4 | Activation operations in vCenter |
summation.number.activationstats | 1 | Activation operations in vCenter |
maximum.millisecond.hostsynclatencystats | 4 | The latency of a host sync operation in vCenter |
minimum.millisecond.hostsynclatencystats | 4 | The latency of a host sync operation in vCenter |
summation.millisecond.hostsynclatencystats | 1 | The latency of a host sync operation in vCenter |
maximum.number.hostsyncstats | 4 | The number of host sync operations in vCenter |
minimum.number.hostsyncstats | 4 | The number of host sync operations in vCenter |
summation.number.hostsyncstats | 1 | The number of host sync operations in vCenter |
maximum.number.inventorystats | 4 | vCenter inventory statistics |
minimum.number.inventorystats | 4 | vCenter inventory statistics |
summation.number.inventorystats | 1 | vCenter inventory statistics |
maximum.number.lockstats | 4 | vCenter locking statistics |
minimum.number.lockstats | 4 | vCenter locking statistics |
summation.number.lockstats | 1 | vCenter locking statistics |
maximum.number.lrostats | 4 | vCenter LRO statistics |
minimum.number.lrostats | 4 | vCenter LRO statistics |
summation.number.lrostats | 1 | vCenter LRO statistics |
maximum.number.miscstats | 4 | Miscellaneous statistics |
minimum.number.miscstats | 4 | Miscellaneous statistics |
summation.number.miscstats | 1 | Miscellaneous statistics |
maximum.number.morefregstats | 4 | Managed object reference counts in vCenter |
minimum.number.morefregstats | 4 | Managed object reference counts in vCenter |
summation.number.morefregstats | 1 | Managed object reference counts in vCenter |
maximum.number.scoreboard | 4 | Object counts in vCenter |
minimum.number.scoreboard | 4 | Object counts in vCenter |
summation.number.scoreboard | 3 | Object counts in vCenter |
maximum.number.sessionstats | 4 | The statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter |
minimum.number.sessionstats | 4 | The statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter |
summation.number.sessionstats | 1 | The statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter |
maximum.number.systemstats | 4 | The statistics of vCenter as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics |
minimum.number.systemstats | 4 | The statistics of vCenter as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics |
summation.number.systemstats | 1 | The statistics of vCenter as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics |
maximum.number.vcservicestats | 4 | vCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks |
minimum.number.vcservicestats | 4 | vCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks |
summation.number.vcservicestats | 1 | vCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks |