I just came across this super awesome little tidbit from Core Nested ESXi Engineer Jim Mattson, that ESXi 6.0 now comes per-installed with VMware Tools when running Nested ESXi. This means you no longer have to manually install the VMware Tools for Nested ESXi but ESXi will be able to automatically detect that it is running inside of a VM and automatically startup the vmtoolsd process.
Disclaimer: Nested ESXi is not officially supported by VMware, please use at your own risk.
This new feature of Nested ESXi is agnostic to the underlying physical ESXi version as well as the virtual hardware version. The only requirement is that the Nested ESXi is running ESXi 6.0. Talk about ease of use, this just made Nested ESXi that much cooler as if it was not already! 🙂
If you need to directly call into the vmtoolsd process for extracting OVF properties/etc. make sure you have correct library paths setup before running the vmtoolsd command, else you will get an error. To do so, run the following two commands:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/vmware/vmtools/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/usr/lib/vmware/vmtools/bin:$PATH