It has been less than 24 hours since VMworld 2018 has concluded and the awesome VMworld team has already published most, if not all VMworld 2018 US session recordings! Similar to past years, I have put together a nice summary page that contains all the session recordings links separated out by the different categories which you can find by visiting
As of writing this, there are a total of 585 sessions with 570 published with recordings. I will check back in a week or so in case more videos and/or PPT decks are posted. Please enjoy, especially for those that were not able to attend VMworld this year.
UPDATE 1 (09/01/18) - It looks after publishing the streaming URLs, folks found that it included a direct download link to the .MP4 file. Thanks to Jorge de la Cruz from the community who was able to extract this from my original github repo. I have gone ahead and also updated my repo to include both the streaming and download URL for folks who just want to download individual sessions. There are a number of ways to "Automate" the download including using wget or Invoke-Webrequest.
UPDATE 2 (09/03/18) - If you try to download the files without going through my github repo (browser or through automation), you may noticed you get a 404 error message. It turns out the client performing the download must include a referer within the request (which is automatically done for you when you click open the link in my github but not the case using wget/cURL or other tools. Below are a few examples on how to include the referer for automated downloads.
Here is wget example:
wget --referer
Here is cURL example:
curl --referer -O VIN2527BU.mp4
Here is PowerCLI example:
$headers = @{"referer" = ""}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Headers $headers -Outfile VIN2527BU.mp4
In addition, I have also published us.txt file which contains the name of the session + download URL which can then be used by this quick PowerShell script called downloadSessions.ps1 to automatically download. You can edit the us.txt file to only include sessions you want downloaded (make sure its copied from the original file) since it contains "#" symbol as a delimiter for the title and the download URL.
Thank you so much for the hard work William, and for the mention, I did just reverse engineer the streams and modified your awesome repo! I hope it helps someone, cheers
Any chance I can watch the videos on youtube? video kept intermittently freezing on vmware video site.
Hi William, great compilation, just curious about the script, I had to make a little adjustment by removing [ ] and some other signs like ? ! from the text file is that right or is my PS running on windows 10?
Yea, some of the titles include special characters that needs to be converted/replaced or else you'll have some issues. You can easily rename the titles to anything you want
Hi William ,
Whenever I try to run the powershell script with any video link from within the us.txt file i get the below error
Downloading [BRE2129BU] - Introduction to NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud: Transforming the WAN.mp4 ...
Invoke-WebRequest : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'https' does not exist.
At C:\Users\stormer\Desktop\vmworld_us_download_script.ps1:13 char:5
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Outfile $url
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (https:String) [Invoke-WebRequest], DriveNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
As mentioned above, this is due to certain characters in the titles. I've updated the script to remove ":" and "'" which would give issues. Please try again and see if that helps. There maybe other characters that'll also need to be stripped but I've not gone through them all, as I know these are the main ones
thanks for the feedback William.
I want to mention that within the US.txt file we need to exclude characters [ and ] just feeding the data as below will resolve the issue. But the content download speed is very slow and peaks at roughly 20Mbps 🙁
BRE2129BU - Introduction to NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud: Transforming the WAN#
It should be fixed now, I was using the session URL rather than the title as output 😉
If this helps anyone else using the PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest, if you place "$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'" prior to calling the invoke-webrequest; I found this to GREATLY increase the download speeds when looping through. For some reason beyond my knowledge, having the progress bar running really slows things down for me.
A great thank you to WIlliam for putting in the time to publish the files and all the others to help the community.
I made an observation on this reply, I was at first running this from old PowerShell (version 4!!!). Version 6 runs just swell without this.
Looks like VMware is now requiring a login to get the content. I'm receiving a 403 when trying to access any video.
Thank you for this. Guess what I'm downloading later. Top man William.
Hey William, great stuff. Enjoyed your session on automation.
Do you or anyone know where i can get or stream the General Session from the last day? The one with the psychology profession about being Happy? 🙂
Hi Eulogio,
Glad to hear you enjoyed our session. Regarding the final keynote/general session, that session is usually not recorded and is only available for folks who attend in person.