A public draft of the vSphere Security Hardening Guide for vSphere 5.1 was released a few weeks back by my colleague Mike Foley. Since then I have been asked by several people if I had a chance to update my vSphere Security Hardening Report Script. The answer was unfortunately no due to other projects I had been working on and this script as well as others are maintained outside of my normal day job. I finally found some time this past weekend to go through the 5.1 revision of the hardening guide and make the necessary updates to my script which includes a few additional checks.
The script continues to provide backwards compatibility to previous releases of the vSphere Security Hardening Guide for vSphere 5.0, 4.1 and 4.0. Maintaining this compatibility is actually quite a challenge due to small minor changes in the hardening guide from previous versions, but I am please to say the latest 5.1 draft has now been implemented.
Disclaimer: This script is not officially supported by VMware, please test this in a development environment before using on production systems.
Here is a sample output for the Security Hardening Report for a subset of my vSphere 5.1 home lab environment using "profile1" check:
For more details about the security hardening script, please refer to the documentation here.